
The Kiss Close

After you've mastered the number close, it's time to elevate your game to the next level and execute the kiss close. It's the best kino you can possibly apply when first meeting a woman, short of having sex.

Here's how it's done:

Before you can do a kiss close however, you must first do a number close. When getting her number make sure that she's the one who writes it. As she is writing it down, get into her personal space, if you aren't already in it, and act as if you're just getting close to watch her write down her number.

Position your head about a foot away from hers and direct your eyes towards the number she's writing down. When she hands you her number, you both should be face-to-face and you must look into her eyes immediately for a second and say, "Alright, well..." (then focus your eyes on her lips, take a small step forward, lean forward and slightly tilt your head as you begin to say...) "I'll see you later."

That way her attention is focused directly on what you're saying.

She's definitely going to want to know what you're saying to her when she sees you going in for a kiss. By the time you've finished telling her what you wanted to say, your lips will be almost touching hers.

I suggest going in with the intention of using your tongue in the kiss. She'll dictate what type of kiss she wants by either keeping her lips closed or opening them.

At first it might seem slightly intimidating to apply the kiss close but in time it will become second nature and you'll be asking yourself why you haven't been doing it all along. I recommend polishing up your number closing skills first because it's your foundation for the kiss close.

The kiss close works best when the conversation has lasted a minimum of five minutes, ten to fifteen minutes is the ideal situation but it also can be used after a long conversation where the pick-up was done in a relaxed atmosphere.

For those of you still stuck in the number close phase, all you have to say is, "Let me give you a call sometime" (no need to go into some big spiel) and she'll get the hint and start writing her number down.

Wait and see if she has a pen and some paper in her purse (they usually do). If she doesn't have anything, then it's alright to lend her a pen and a random business card. Don't just pull out a pen and business card from your wallet if you don't have to; you don't want her to think you're a player.

One of the keys to making the kiss close successful is saying a parting phrase while you're going in for the kiss (as in the above example). That way her attention is focused directly on what you're saying.

She's definitely going to want to know what you're saying to her when she sees you going in for a kiss. By the time you've finished telling her what you wanted to say, your lips will be almost touching hers.

I suggest going in with the intention of using your tongue in the kiss. She'll dictate what type of kiss she wants by either keeping her lips closed or opening them.

At first it might seem slightly intimidating to apply the kiss close but in time it will become second nature and you'll be asking yourself why you haven't been doing it all along. I recommend polishing up your number closing skills first because it's your foundation for the kiss close.

The kiss close works best when the conversation has lasted a minimum of five minutes, ten to fifteen minutes is the ideal situation but it also can be used after a long conversation where the pick-up was done in a relaxed atmosphere.

For those of you still stuck in the number close phase, all you have to say is, "Let me give you a call sometime" (no need to go into some big spiel) and she'll get the hint and start writing her number down.

Wait and see if she has a pen and some paper in her purse (they usually do). If she doesn't have anything, then it's alright to lend her a pen and a random business card. Don't just pull out a pen and business card from your wallet if you don't have to; you don't want her to think you're a player.


Connection Through Conversation

A lot of men have trouble conversing with people, let alone a potential partner. Remember those times when you were on dates and the conversations just went blank. You wouldn't know what to say, things were getting awkward.

The good news is when given the opportunity, women love to talk. Talking for long periods of time creates feelings of natural connection in a woman. Women will love you if they feel like they are being heard. Women will just talk and talk and talk until they are your best friend.

Being a good listener is so important in a relationship. In fact, it's critical. Listening makes women feel like you really care about how they are doing and about them as a person. It creates love.

I want to tell you about how to create connections through listening to conversation. Women will reveal all about themselves using this formula -- everything about their inner personality. The will reveal their desires, their secrets, their sacred stories, everything involved when they are with somebody they care about on a romantic level. It's called the four second rule.

What you do is begin your conversation with a woman and let her talk. It doesn't matter what she is talking about as long as she seems interested. Wait until she has finished saying everything she has to say and count in your mind for four seconds. What will happen is she will begin talking again within that count of 1 2 3 4.

If she doesn't talk within that count of four seconds, simply repeat the last thing she said and get her talking again. You can say the last half of her sentence in the form of a question or a statement of what is. For example:

Janelle: "I love the snow.... It's just so pretty...."

1 2 3 4

Jonathan: "So pretty?"

Janelle: "Yeah, I could stare at it for hours.... I just love the whiteness of the ice..."

1 2 3 4

Jonathan: "Whiteness of the ice?"

Janelle: "It reminds me of when I was a little girl. My dad used to take me to the mountains. We had....."

(and she just goes on, revealing all of the stories of her life).

Conversations can go on for hours like this. What you're doing is releasing a woman's naturally abundant tendency to talk until the cows come home. She will feel like you're the best person in the world, all for listening to her. I've had women thank me just for sitting there and listening to them.

The four second rule is an ideal solution for dates where you are stumped on what to talk about and if you want her to treat you like her best friend, which is important when you're trying to be her intimate partner.

So the next time you're out, try the four second rule. It'll sure create those feelings of friendship and comfort and let you know everything about her.

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Controlling with Questions

I am a sales manager for a large financial sales organization. As such, I regularly attend sales conferences, trainings, and workshops. At one particular seminar the topic was controlling the sale by leading with questions.

After the day's conference was over, a friend and I were in the hotel bar having a few cocktails. As we are based out of Florida and the conference was in Chicago in the winter, it was obvious that we were out-of-towners.

Anyway, we spotted a very attractive, young woman sitting alone across the bar from us. Since we were already discussing the day's seminar topic, I told my friend that I believed I could use that same technique to meet her and obtain her number. So, we bet on it.

I then walked over and said excuse me and introduced myself. She in turn said hi. I told her that she looked like she was from around here and she agreed. I said, "Great. Let me ask you, what is your favorite meal if you could have anything you wanted?" She replied somewhat questioningly, "Lobster."

I said, "Perfect. Here in Chicago, what would be your favorite place to have lobster if you could go anywhere you wanted?" She said, "I love the Lobster Diablo at the King Crab Tavern."

"Really? So, if you had won, I don't know, say a radio contest giving out free lobster dinners at the King Crab on Friday night, you would probably go, right?" She thought, then said, "Yes, I guess I would." "Even if you had to have dinner with one of the other contest winners?" "Yes, I guess that would be ok" she smiled.

"Even if that other winner was me?" She thought for a moment and I just waited with a slight smile for her to answer. "No, I wouldn't mind" she said still with a slight smile.

"Then, Friday night at the King Crab Tavern we'll meet for dinner. Is eight thirty ok?" "Yes." She smiled, "That's fine."

Then we exchanged business cards and I told her I would call her Friday in the day to make sure we coordinated everything. Then telling her I couldn't wait, I turned and walked back to my friend at the other side of the bar.

By the way, this is a true story. There are several lessons here that actually came out of several sales techniques and seminars that I have taught and attended.

First, (and as your newsletter always endorses) I approached her in a confident, but non-threatening manner. Then I merely introduced myself (by far the best "pick-up line" there is). Next, I asked a series of seemingly innocent questions, and she felt safe answering them. Then adjusted her answers by restating the question in a way that it was directed toward the "close" or achieving what I wanted from the conversation.

By having her agree to have dinner with a stranger (quote, the other winner) it was going to very difficult for her to say no to my invitation without being extremely rude. In addition, I think she appreciated the uniqueness of the approach.

(I also think she was onto me halfway through, but was enjoying the game, as is often the case.)

Most importantly, as is often stated in the DJ Newsletters, it was the combination of uniqueness and confidence that opened the door.

P.S. For those in the sales field out there. Remember, everything is sales. Take what you have learned in your work and apply it to your goals outside the office. You will be surprised.


A Stunningly Beautiful Woman

I found this technique to be a great one for picking up women.

Walk up to a woman that you find attractive. The setting is irrelevant. And say to her with a smile:

"Excuse me, but I could not help to notice you while walking here. I wanted to let you know that you are a stunningly beautiful woman."

Then wait for a response which, in 95% of all cases, is a mix of stunned disbelief mixed in with blushing and immediate like toward you.

I find that most of the time this is all you have to say, and the woman will do most of the talking and the pressure is off you. The woman will freely continue the conversation with you.

Using this technique I have been able to score more numbers and dates than any other way. Follow up the initial comments about how great she looks and how much you are attracted to her. Then tell her you would love to see her for a drink or a meal. Get her number.

I find this works for the following reasons:

* It's courageous, and women like men who take risks.

* It's honest and to the point. They know where they stand with you.

* If they are attracted to you, telling them you find them beautiful will free them from their fear of rejection of being attracted to you.

* It makes them feel good about themselves.

* It lets them know you like them. People like those who like them.

Try it on the next 20 women that you see and you will be amazed with the results.

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