
Remove Poverty Consciousness

"You must get rid of the last vestige of the old idea that there is a Deity whose will it is that you should be poor, or whose purposes may be served by keeping you in poverty." Wallace Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich".

Many books have been written about the Great Depression and it's effects on America. One of the effects has been the need to scrounge every last bit of their possession into the house. Anyone with grandparents who lived in that time will tell you hoe picky and conservative they are about money and possessions. Since the economy had crashed, jobs and therefore money was hard to come by. This left an imprint of 'poverty consciousness' on most people who lived then.

This sort of poverty consciousness is often present in many peoples mind's when they approach dating. Ever see a hot girl and think, 'she's way out of my league', or 'I can't get her'. Women do this as well to some extent, they are generally less sexually activated than men(something to do with the brain).

However, as soon as you have a potential date opportunity and label it with the thoughts that you couldn't have a good time with that person, or that he/she wouldn't have a good time with you - based on no actual information whatsoever - you are weakening your approach and ability to attract the opposite sex.

Taming a negative mind set, ex. 'poverty consciousness', can be extremely difficult. A person is often so enmeshed in thinking negative thoughts that when they occur it is simply not noticed. We can pick out particular emotions and situations and keep an eye on them to help us develop a positive mind set. But while we are dating we can suddenly fall into a negative mind set and ruin the date, or worse, the possibility of a romance.

Basically, at root of all of this is a belief of, 'I don't deserve to be happy'. Many people see life and human beings as sinful and therefore happiness is unattainable. We are 'thrown out of the garden' and are 'meant to suffer'. If you carry this kind of attitude you can never be in a successful healthy loving relationship. Any positive minded priest/preacher will tell you that God wants you to be happy , 'be fruitful and multiply'. However, approaching dating and relationships with a negative attitude cancels out the possibility of a positive growing relationship BECAUSE the attitude brought to it is negative. That is the simple truth.

The interpretation of the Bible that perceives the Divine as a merciless punishing one, lived in times that were like that. So to hold on to poverty consciousness can lie at the very heart of your belief system. You have to deal with that by reading philosophy, studying mystics of your tradition, meeting intelligent scholars and reading their books. Remember to learn from many so you have many perspectives . This will help you build a large a cohesive picture for yourself.

Self education is an important part of growth as well as successful dating and relationships.

Frauen sind verr�ckt


Pizza as health food

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- It's the junk food junkie's wildest dream come true -- pizza as health food.

University of Maryland food chemists said Monday that they had found ways to enhance the antioxidant content of whole-grain wheat pizza dough by baking it longer at higher temperatures and giving the dough lots of time to rise.

Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Some experts believe antioxidants can lower the risk of cancer, heart disease and other ailments.

Liangli Lucy Yu, a food chemistry professor, said the findings arose from broader research into ways to improve health-promoting properties of wheat-based food products.

"The reason that we chose pizza is just because it is a very popular food product, not only in the U.S. but worldwide," researcher Jeffrey Moore added.

"So we thought if we could find ways to improve (its antioxidant) properties, doing this for such a product could have a larger impact on public health," Moore added.

But Moore had a slice of advice for pizza aficionados who might want to cover their crust with mounds of fatty toppings such as extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage and ground beef.

"If you're adding back all these other things that have potential negative health consequences, then you're negating anything that you're adding in terms of (health) value," Moore said.

The research was served up at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago, a mecca for deep-dish, thick-crust pizza.

The researchers experimented with baking temperatures, baking time and fermentation time -- the time the pizza dough is given to rise.
A hotter oven

Antioxidant levels rose by up to 60 percent with longer baking times and up to 82 percent with higher baking temperatures, depending on the type of wheat flour and the antioxidant test used, they said. The precise mechanisms involved are unclear, they said.

Baking time and temperature can be increased together without burning the pizza when done carefully, the researchers said. They used oven temperatures from 400 to 550 degrees Fahrenheit (204 to 287 degrees Celsius), and baking times from 7 to 14 minutes.

They looked at fermentation times up to two full days, and found that longer periods in some cases doubled the dough's antioxidant levels. This probably stemmed from chemical reactions caused by yeasts in the dough that had more time to release the antioxidant components, Moore said.

A common fermentation time is about 18 hours, Moore said.

The study used only whole wheat dough. Most of the antioxidants in wheat are in the bran and endosperm components that are generally removed in refined flour, Moore said. Thus, longer and hotter baking and longer fermentation likely would be less effective in making more healthful pizza with refined flour, he said.

The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and grain organizations, but not by the pizza industry.

Why You Shouldn't Be Intimidated by Attractive Women


Use This Tactic To Create An Aura Of Mystery Around You

When you are dating it is a great idea to do more listening than talking. Of course, you shouldn't ask so many questions that your date feels like he/she is being interrogated but you do want to keep the attention focused on your date. Getting your date to talk will tell you if you want to continue dating and it will make your date feel special and create the impression that you are a considerate and attentive person.

Focusing on listening to your date will also flatter your date as you they will seem more interesting simply because of the attention you are giving them. In addition to this you will also be creating an aura of mystery around yourself as very little information about you will get conveyed during the conversation. Later on when your date is thinking about the dating experience with you, they will remember talking about themselves but remember very little about you. So immediately going out with you on another date will rise to the top of their mind as they will want to learn more about you. Using this 'listening tactic' will create an air of 'mystery' around you.

Another advantage of doing the listening rather than the talking is that you get to decide whether your date is worth seeing again. If you decide that you would rather not go out again then your date knows very little about you and can't track you down or become a hassle in any way as they will know very little about you. To enhance your aura of mystery give vague answers and switch the questions back to your date so the attention stays focused on them. This way they keep talking and you keep learning more about them.

Remember, just because you are out on a date doesn't mean you have to reveal tons of personal information. Of course, give enough vague answers to seem interested and sociable without seeming cryptic. If you seem cryptic then the person you are dating will think you have something to hide and will probably not want to go out with you again. This is defeat the whole purpose of dating if you keep scaring your dates off. Simply give a little bit of information about yourself, by and by, and have a good time. Creating this air of mystery will keep the 'ball in your court' so you can decide whether this person is worth dating again or not. Most of all, enjoy the air of mystery you create and have fun with your dating.