
Things Guys Love To Hear And Hate To Hear

Dating is about having fabulous, fun nights out with the hottest singles in your city... but with first date nerves you may end up sticking your foot in your mouth! Enjoy these tips and learn your lesson before it's too late!

Things guys love to hear...

1) "Then what happened?"
They are human after all – even if they are men. A man likes to be reassured that their lives are, in fact, interesting. And while interrupting him, changing the subject, or acting bored are well-known nails in the coffin, it's not always enough to just sit there, smile, and repeat a monotone, "Uh-huh," especially if that is the only thing you say throughout your date. He'll know you're genuinely interesting if you actively encourage him with comments like, "You're kidding! What happened next?" or "Go on..."

2) "That's pretty impressive."
Maybe he placed in a local triathlon. Or got a promotion at work. Or figured out how to fix his air conditioner. Whatever he's done, if he's mentioning it on a date, he's most likely proud of it—and if you feed his ego by applauding his efforts, you'll make him feel like a king.

3) "What do you do when you're not at work?"
Although a guy's work might be of primary importance, he also has other things in his life that he values. Does he juggle? (Well, maybe that's not one you're hoping to hear) Work on his car? Play an instrument? With a little probing, a woman can hit upon hidden passions—and convey that she's interested in getting a complete picture of him and not just what he does for his paycheck.

...And things men hate to hear...

1) "So how do you feel about abortion?"
This type of question is known among men as a litmus test—a touchy topic that women raise to gauge whether we're politically, morally, or spiritually on the same page as them (the death penalty, gay marriage, and the war in Iraq also fit the bill). Sure, they probably have strong opinions. But men are not interested in getting into these subjects with you, at least not yet. After all, this is a date, not debate club. Let's all have fun and save more heated back-and-forths for later.

2) "How do you feel about having a family?"
Pop this question during the first date, and most men will assume your biological clock is ticking fast and loudly—and that's not a good thing. It's not that all men don't want families, many of them actually do—it's just that men tend to like to get to know a woman first, before you start a discussion about your favourite baby names. And men like to know you like them as more than just as a potential baby-making machine. After all, where's the romance in that?

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