
Women More Open Minded?

While everyone has their preferences about what they are attracted to, it seems as if women are more open minded than men. Even when we have the type that turns our head, a guy with a kind heart and great personality could definitely win us over.

When it comes things such as weight and height, some people stick to the same exact type. Just the other day, I asked my guy friend if he noticed that his last three serious romantic interests could be triplets, he looked at me like I had three heads! He didn’t even notice his pattern.

Maybe it’s just my circle of friends, but a quick mental run through of all the relationships and the women showed more “variety” then the men. In my completely unscientific poll, I can’t help but think this is related to being more open-minded.

Do you think women are open minded when it comes to picking dates, being attracted to all types, etc.?

Guys, have you noticed that you stick to a certain body type, look, or physical prototype when you decide who to pursue?

By Wise Diva