
Different Dating Styles Because Of Different Brain Structures & Use

Have you heard that men or women are from separate planets? That's true. Not literally, but it's true. Women react differently, desire differently and operate in ways that are totally alien to a man. This is because men and women are two different species of human. They are not 'opposites' or 'equal' in any traditional sense. Of course they deserve equal rights - Eskimo societies show equality can exist - but a man and woman are not 'equal' - they are different. And it is only by understanding these differences can you be truly successful in dating and relationships with the opposite sex.

Here is an extract of a study from the University Of Alberta about the brain differences between a man and woman.

A new study suggests men and women use different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks.

The research, from the University Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is reported this month in the journal NeuroImage.

The study involved volunteers who performed memory tasks, verbal tasks, visual spatial tasks and simple movement tasks. Meanwhile their brain activity was monitored with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a technology for mapping brain activation.

"The results jumped out at us," said Emily Bell, a PhD student at the university and lead author of the paper. "Sometimes males and females would perform the same tasks and show different brain activation, and sometimes they would perform different tasks and show the same brain activation."

When a man thinks a woman is crazy or vice versa -- say on a bad date or bad dating experience -- they are both correct. Since the other has a completely different perspective because their brain MAKES them see the world in different ways. The other person will seem to be crazy, their brain makes them see the world in different ways. period.

So any relationship without a tolerance for differences and without a willingness to talk and explain their different points of views - is doomed to failure.

Here is an extract from the University of Indiana that talks about how what is 'normal' is different for a man or woman.

"As scientists, we're figuring out what normal is, and more and more often it seems we're finding that normal for men may be different than normal for women," said Michael Phillips, M.D., assistant professor of radiology and co-author of the study. "That doesn't mean one is better or more capable than the other."

Ist es sicher auf dem neuesten Stand Ihrer mate?