
How to Cold Approach on the Street

There are tons of ways you can approach your approaches. None are fool-proof because: 1. Your tone and body language matter much more than the content. 2. Openers are worthless if you don’t got game to back them up.

The 3 Second Rule

So important. As soon as you spot your target, and she spots you it is time to make your move. Don’t think or plan, just force your body to walk up to her. This makes the approach feel more spontaneous and you don’t come off as a creepy stalker.

Dealing with Moving Targets

This is really difficult to do because most people don’t like to be interrupted when they are on their way somewhere. You are better off following from a distance to see where they end up.

I am not encouraging stalking here! The difference between stalker and Don Juan is that you approach and engage your target in a conversation. Keep this in mind.

Eye Contact

It’s amazing how many people you can actually get to say “hi” to you. All you have to do is hold eye contact with confident body language and flash a sincere yet subtle smile at them. The smile is important, make sure it is a slight smile where your eyes scrunch up a little and the corners of your lips turn up, no teeth showing. Think Mona Lisa.

This is a very inviting face to present to people and it also gives them a feeling like they already know you. Many times they will say hello, but even if they don’t, I find they are more open towards me when I start off my approach this way.

Introductory Openers

“Hi!” (smile) “Hey, how’s it goin?” “Hi my name is X, and I enjoy meeting new people. What’s your name?”

These work okay, but you better have some tight follow-up because you got less than ten seconds before she decides whether or not you are worth talking to.

Observational Openers

You take in your surroundings and also pay attention to how she is reacting to her environment, then you comment on it.

It could be anything from “Wow, the city sure is beautiful in the Spring.” to “Damn, look at the size of that guy! I seen some fat people in my life, but he takes the cake!”

It doesn’t matter as long as you open with the mentality that you already know this chick. If you can reframe your thinking to treat these hotties like they are your friends right off the bat, you are well on your way.

The first pickup I ever made in my life was using this opener. I was on the subway sitting next to this hot Asian girl and at the other end of the car were a bunch of rowdy high-school kids who were play-fighting and saying the most lewd and inappropriate things really loud, generally causing a big scene. A few older people were put-off and moved to another car.

I turned to the girl, shook my head and said, “Kids, these days”. She was like, “I know! Can you believe how these guys are carrying on? It’s so embarrassing!” We talked for a bit about the declining standards of education and how kids were getting dumberer. She laughed at my mispronunciation, and then her stop came up. As she was gathering her things to leave, I told her that the streets were a dangerous place full of stupid thugs and asked if she wanted to be escorted home by a strong man who would protect her. I was expecting her to say “no thanks” like all the other girls I had unsuccessfully tried to hit on, but she surprised me by saying “sure!” I walked her home and she said she was hungry so we grabbed dinner and afterwards went for a moonlit stroll.

Opinion Openers

Ask for a female’s opinion on just about anything.

At the mall “Hey, I need a woman’s opinion. What do you think of this cologne/shirt/shoes?”

On the street - “Excuse me, but I am new in town and looking for a nice place to eat/shop/etc can you recommend any?”

Using Time Constraints

Take the pressure off of yourself by saying that you only have a few minutes to talk because your friends are waiting for you, or you have an appointment, etc. This disarms them from thinking that you are trying to pick them up.

Here is an example from a pickup I did recently on a girl who was eating by herself in the outdoor section of a restaurant.

ME: Excuse my interruption, but how is the food here? Is it good (said in a so-so tone) or is it goood (said in an impressed tone with a smile)

HER: Oh, It is goooood (mimicking my tone)

ME: Alright cool... hey, mind if I sit with you for a second? I am supposed to meet my friends in a few minutes and I hate to just wait around doing nothing.

She invites me to sit and I continue:

ME: To be honest, I am a little nervous, I haven’t seen these guys in years and they always used to pick on me for being so shy. I always looked up to these guys in a big brother sort of way. (pause) Say, you know what would rock? When I meet them, I’ll pass by again, so just flirt with me hardcore and I will pretend to be fighting you off, okay?

HER: (laughing)

ME: Don’t worry, this can work both ways, if you ever need a pretend boyfriend to show off as a trophy, I would be glad to help you out!

HER: Haha, but I already have a boyfriend.

ME: Hey that’s great! I bet he is secure enough in your relationship to let you rent a boytoy for the evening.

HER: (giggles)

ME: Tell you what, I have to run, but you seem like you have a good sense of humor. I like that. (Hand her pen and paper) Let’s get together sometime for a few laughs, bring your man if you want. Or you can just use me to impress your girlfriends.

Hehe, she wrote down 3 different numbers and her email and made me promise I would call her.

Suggestion Opener

You can also give your opinion as an opener. Keep the opinions sexually neutral though. Don’t tell her how hot/beautiful she is or gawk at her chest, remember eye contact!

For instance, at the video store as she is selecting a flick - “Oh man, don’t rent that one! (pause and let her ask why) It is a waste of time & money! I watched it for like 10 minutes and wanted to shoot myself!”

or on the flip side “That is an excellent choice, one of my favorite books/films of all time! (pause for reaction) If you like this book/film then you will love xyz...”

You can apply this opener almost anywhere people are buying stuff. Just change the wording around.

Favor Opener

Have her do you a favor right from the start.

Ask her to hold something for you, or watch your bags for a second and then leave her for a minute. You build suspense because in the time that you leave her there, she is wondering “who the hell is this?” When you come back you have license to kino and be affectionate with her because she earned it.

I don’t just use this for an opener either. You’d be surprised how many girls are willing to do you a favor if you ask nicely. I find that they actually love to help and are more receptive to my advances because they earned my affection. I will usually hug them and say “You are the best!” and give them a hundred little kisses on the cheek.


8 Types Of Women To Avoid When Dating

There are women that man should avoid dating. Here are symptoms to watch out for:

1). Too feminist. This type of woman, and believes it is assumed that man is the cause of all pain and suffering society. It was her strong belief that women are much smarter than men and are able to do things "right way".

Men would not want to spend some time with these types of women, everything you do will always be negative for them. They can never be happy man.

2). Material Girl. It is shortly after the money! These types of women are "high maintenance". Are not only expected, but often require that one should finance her entire life in luxury. To her, man is obliged to pay for dinners, drinks, trips, jewelry, flowers, etc., while they absolutely feel the urge to retaliate or guilt.

Simply put, she is a prostitute in disguise. She is a greedy person who has no perception of the feelings of others and its only interest is to achieve and get what he wants. Never be fooled, some seem to be the first really nice, until they know that you do something for them. He begins to ask for material things!

3). Hopeless romantic. These women live in a perfect world of romance novels, where love and relationships are perfect and her night and shining armor will always come and live happily ever after.
Always been pampered her and "princess" and the idea that what is real life. Will expect the man to take care of her constantly and that all her wishes have, if not, it may prove a bridge screaming.

4). Angry girl. Similar feminist, she really hates men. They often look at people long list of all accounts of injustice and violations of every man, that joint relationship. To her, all people are "goose bumps", "pigs". and jerks. These women are boiling mad at the man who can explode at any given time.

5). Uncertain Miss will seem very pleasant, loving and accommodation on the first treatment of the men very well. Later, when all her innermost feelings of uncertainty up to the surface, it can be uncomfortable calling a man, which dates back at least ten times a day asking where you are, or that just missed his voice.

This woman requires frequent and ongoing assurance that you love her and find her attractive because of this uncertainty, constantly worried about your hair, make-up, clothes etc. She can be clingy and needs constant attention, and urges you worrying about your thoughts that it will soon leave, if you find someone better.

6). Abstract and elusive type. She is romantic, but with a mysterious dark side. She has been hurt in past relationships and it was not over him. These bad experiences way she unconsciously stopover from or damage to her new relationship.

It will be very frustrating to deal with as the first, it will show great interest in man, but flee quickly when the cycle will be repeated again and again. Will date and flirting with a man, but will insist that the two remain friends.

7). Desperate Miss She is desperate to get married. May not even want to know, man, she just wants to trap him and bring him to the nearest altar!

8). Control type. She can be very annoying in a very subtle way, but when the opportunity will direct every phase of human life. She will always "say" what a person wears, where a man must go who should talk to a man who may have a person like my friends, what one can and can not eat, as in everything! One can not insist on its own rights or else, not sex, a lot of crying, screaming, pouting, and everything just man give in.

All people, watch out!

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Man Makes Dating Site… But Only For Himself

By Amy Rolph

Chas McFeely really wants to find a wife.

“For realz,” to use his own words.

The San Francisco-based advertising executive recently launched the site to, well, hook Chas up. (Dot com.) And here’s the best part: If you set him up with the woman he marries, you get $10,000.

I’m mentally scanning my female friends for candidates now. But enough about how any of them would make great marriage partners. (Are you reading this, Chas? Did you hear me?)

McFeely told that he never expected many people to look at the site, but it didn’t really work out that way. Now he spends his evenings sifting through “pick me” emails about more prospective partners than he can process.

“If I can’t find my future wife out of the hundreds of emails I’ve already gotten, I should probably move to Alaska,” he told

If you visit, you’ll find out he likes reading, the music of Cat Stevens (at least he owns the record), playing Scrabble, and thinks of the glass as “eight tenths full.” And if he captioned those photos himself, he has a pretty good sense of humor.

In his defense, McFeely says he’s tried dating sites and friend setups in the past, but never with much luck. He even considered hiring a high-end matchmaker, but ultimately decided to take the reigns of his own fate. He doesn’t have a “type,” but says he prefers someone with a “creative edge.” (Although he doesn’t rule out falling for a brainy scientist.) While he admits to having been a perfectionist in the past, he says he’s no longer looking for flaws. In other words, he’s loosened up with age.

Personally, I can’t wait for the movie version of “Hook Chas Up.” Casting directors, might I suggest offering Topher Grace the title role?