
Worst Valentine Gift Ideas For Him

1. Gay Sex! The Card Game

Remember all those times he said that it was the fantasy of his lifetime to get two chics in his bed? And that you really should consider talking to your girlfriend Monica about joining you two in bed? Well, it's payback time!

2. The Vagina Monologues

Oh, this is so cruel, you almost shouldn't do it. You give him a DVD that's called The Vagina Monoloques. He thinks is a porn movie. But it's just what he hatest most - another crazy feminist bitch blaming men for her fucked up life. The coolest thing is that this DVD can't possibly fail. If he hates feminists, he's gonna hate the DVD. But if he is a dilusional feeble-minded freak that thinks that feminism may actually be 'a good progressive thing', imagine how horrible he's gonne feel about having a dick and behaving like all men do.

3. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

All men hate this book. Even gay ones! Like a said, a perfect idea for a bad Valentine's Day gift.

4. Feng Shui Mirror

Do buy him a feng shui mirror and explain how it helps for flow of positive ch'i energy. He's gonna dump you within two weeks, but that's what you want anyway, right?

5. Heinz Spotted Dick Pudding, 10-Ounce Can

Get some Heinz Spotted Dick Pudding and tell him it's the best food there is. Do insist on him opening the can and tasting it right there, but don't answer any question as two what 'spotted dick' may be.


Where to Find the Leading Online Dating Service

With rare exception everyone wants to have that special someone in their lives. People spend a lot of time dreaming about it and planning for it and they spend quite a lot of time looking for it. Perhaps you yourself are looking for that special someone and you thought that you would see if you could find them online. This is certainly possible, and it happens all the time. I myself found my husband online and we have been unbelievably happy for the past 7 years. But is it necessary to join the leading online dating service in order to find the person of your dreams? Perhaps, but here are some things for you to keep in mind.

The online dating world is full of people that are not looking for a serious relationship. There are some fantastic dating services out there that will help you to find the person of your dreams, but you need to make sure that the person you find is also dreaming of someone like you. Some of the top dating services place a lot of emphasis on picture personal ads, and there certainly isn't anything wrong with that. But a dating site that does that will tend to attract a lot of tire kickers, people that just want to look at pictures of attractive men and women and aren't really serious about finding a lifelong partner.

There are also dating services that specialize in finding someone that is compatible with you and your own personal likes and dislikes. These services are great and I personally know some people who have found each other using these dating websites and are now living happy lives with each other. So here is the needle in the haystack. There isn't really a leading online dating service, the top ones all have their own great qualities. Choosing the one that is right for you, as an individual is where you need to be. Because when you find the right online dating service you will find the perfect date.

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